Tuesday, September 1, 2009

finding my voice

My wise old English professor once said I should publish my work, but shortly after that came babies 2, 3 & 4 and before I knew it, half my life had passed by. Now baby #1 is turning 23 and if I had a nickel for every time someone has said to me, "You should write a book.", I'd be rich! The trouble is that most of the funny stuff has passed on by in a whirl of diapers and dog hair long forgotten by a mom who was too busy to write it down.

Now lest you think this is a blog about dogs and the people who love them, it is not. It is however a blog about a woman who has not the power to say no and gets herself into all kinds of trouble because of it. It's about daily life, love and laughter, sorrow and pain, and what it truly means to be rich.

I always say that one day I will write that book and title it something like "It's a Dog's Life" or more like "My Life Has Gone to the Dogs" and maybe I will, but for now, this is the place where I am once again, finding my voice.


  1. Love it Chris! I will really enjoy reading your thoughts each day, or as often as you write your blog.
    Hey...I'm the first to comment! Does that mean I for sure get your Cricut if you die?
    Keep up the great writing! You are a woman of MANY talents and gifts.
    Love you,

  2. It was already for sure yours!
    Thank you for the encouragement, love u 2
