Wednesday, September 2, 2009

what's up with the 'i'?

Baby #1 has the name Alexis Elizabeth. When she was younger she would tell me, "I hate my name, it sounds like I belong in a romance novel!" I personally thought it sounded much more sophisticated than say Bambi or Trixie but try to explain that to a 10 year old.

Now that she is older, she always refers to herself as Alexis and I was confident way back then that one day she would. We still call her Alix and the mother of one of her lifelong friends still calls her Ali Cat (sometimes loudly, in public). It's hysterical and sweet.

I was also confident that if I spelled Alix with an i, people would automatically assume she was a girl. I was wrong in that department. I can't remember one person who saw only her name and caught on that she was a girl, and the misspelling and questions... ugh, half her relatives still don't spell it right.

So, in an attempt to say "I love you, I meant well, I was clueless" I have decided to join the ranks of misspelled names and replace the 'e' in chrysanthemum with an 'i'. I now have a clue as to the real reason you call yourself Alexis!

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