Wednesday, September 16, 2009

wonderful, magical life

Pumpkin life around our place is very unpredictable. Back in 1991 I grew a pumpkin that weighed 113 pounds. I remember the year because I was pregnant with baby #2 and it was actually the first time I tried to grow pumpkins. In the following years, the deer have gotten more pumpkins than we have or they just have not produced well even though our attempts have been whole hearted. Last year my pumpkins all died and we ended up purchasing our fall harvest pumpkins at Jacob's Corn Maze.

Well, the babies carved their pumpkins and set them out with our fall decorations on the front porch and that is where they stayed until they were reduced to slimy, moldy pools of pumpkin juice that no one wanted to touch. Brave daddy finally came rolling in with the industrial strength wheel barrow, shovel and hose to haul those twisted, distorted faces, once lovingly carved, to the compost pile. Into the heart of the pile they were cultivated and covered with plastic. Then, the magic began...

This spring we were blessed with this wonderful pumpkin plant complete with plenty of pumpkins for all the babies! Isn't it just like God to take something thought to be dead and rotten; something you never even think to have hope for, and bring it back to life. God reaches right into the deep, dark, secret places, into the heart of the garbage pile and works His wonderful, magical life restoring power to bring forth a new creation bursting with fruit. How amazing! How loving! How available for all!

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