Thursday, October 15, 2015

31 Moments in Time :: seasons change

This is the beautiful Jordan River Valley in Antrim County, Michigan.  It's 18,000 acres of state owned forest and it is amazing.  You can not capture the full scope of it in a photograph and I fear I have not done it justice.  Every fall I pick up a copy of Traverse Magazine and Dave and I set off on a few of their recommended adventures.  That's how we got hooked on the lavender cookies...  The Jordan River Valley was one of five color tour trips they had listed so we picked it as our week day date.

If you have spent any time in Northern Michigan then you know that all of the seasons are beautiful and all of the seasons are short... except winter which seems to last  6 months.  If we are lucky, summer will last for 3 and the other 3 months make up spring and fall. Fall is my favorite. God's handiwork is so evident at this time of year in the kaleidoscope of colors he uses to paint the trees and the sky.  Can you imagine?  God spoke and there it was... and he continues to sustain and control his creation.  It is standing fast because he tells it to.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and by the breath of his mouth all their host.
He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap;
He lays up the deeps in storehouses.
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
For he spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast.

                               Psalm 33:6-9

This photograph calls me to quietness before the Lord, as if I am headed off to meet with him...

The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save, 
he will rejoice over you with gladness, 
he will quiet you by his love, 
he will exult over you with loud singing.

                                    Zephaniah 3:17

Have you ever paused to ponder God singing? I imagine it to be like a gentle rain washing away the dirt from the weary. I don't know if that is true but I like to think that God's voice is in all that is good and precious.  I do know it represents his joy.  His song over us is born of great love, just as a mother sings over her child.  It's tender and delicate as he cradles us and wipes our tears. He is always there, we only need to step toward him.

Seasons will always change, in nature and in life but...

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
                                                                  Hebrews 13:8

Check out this Verticle Church Band music video, their words are far better than mine.

This post was written as part of a 31 day writing challenge, to read more of my stories in the challenge click on my 31 days link. Thanks!

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