Sunday, October 25, 2015

31 Moments in Time :: the Sunday walk

Sunday lays before us like an open book, it's pages waiting to be filled with our story. It's the day we get to be fully ourselves rather than full of ourselves. We come before the Lord with arms wide open and allow him to work in us, to create in us, to continue to shape us in to who he wants us to be... fully.

I saw this lived out today in church by those who gave their testimony for baptism. Beautiful lives... beautiful stories that are a part of the beautiful people that God is shaping them to be... fully themselves. Their stories are laden with pain and heartache... and then redemption. They begin the process of filling the blank pages. May they quickly realize their wounds, their scars are what make them beautiful.

I saw this yesterday as friends gathered around our dining room table for a meal and fellowship. Beautiful lives... beautiful stories that are a part of the beautiful people that God is shaping them to be... fully themselves. Their stories too are laden with pain and heartache, their wounds and scars making them beautiful.

Hovering in the shadows of the grand maples, feeling lost and unnoticed, you may believe that you have reached the end. That all your fluff is falling off and you are too broken and weak to have anything left to offer. You don't see yourself as God sees you, or even as we see you... beautiful and full of possibility. Remember that God's light is still shining on you and the process you are going through will cause you to bear much fruit.

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies it produces many seeds. John 12:24

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126:6

I am a fan of the Sunday walk, especially in the fall. I slow down, I breathe in, deep into my soul, and smell the sweet fragrance of God's grace as I see him at work, beginning the process of making things new. I have learned over time that all things must die to become new. Some things are harder for us to let go of than others... the habits that are so familiar, the lies we've believed for far too long... the things we think define us and make us who we are. We have become so comfortable in them... 

But it's Sunday, the pages of your book are waiting to be filled with your true story. Come before the Lord as if every day were the Sunday walk and breathe in deep, with arms wide open, allowing him to shape you into who he wants you to be... fully.

This story was written as part of a 31 day writing challenge. To read more of my stories in the challenge click on my link. Thanks!

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